41:53 ini bener banget, in someway i work with Gen-Z they usually took a conclusion based on what they see or read on the 1st things they found. they didn't take any confirmation but jump in to the conclusion. and the question is why they take a lead of their self to diagnose what happened in any situation they faced? is just because the digital native generation or un-ability to do structural act to think?
Peran psikolog bisa bangeett krusial banget supaya gen-z lebih aware sama masa depan 👌👌
41:53 ini bener banget, in someway i work with Gen-Z they usually took a conclusion based on what they see or read on the 1st things they found. they didn't take any confirmation but jump in to the conclusion. and the question is why they take a lead of their self to diagnose what happened in any situation they faced? is just because the digital native generation or un-ability to do structural act to think?
Dikit dikit overthingking, tapi gamau berkembang. Sapa tuh? Genjiiiiii
Anak Zaman sekarang punya banyak duit tapi gak berani nikah
Anak Zaman dulu gak punya duit tapi berani nikah